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the meaning Of Use Sanggah Cucuk in the series of Bhuta Yadnya ceremonies in Hindu Religion

Bhuta Yadnya the ceremony performed by Hindus on the point is to neutralize the excessive powers. due to the presence of excessive force and uncontrollable in nature will be able to have a negative impact on nature itself. for example, the presence of water is vital that is indispensable in this life, be it to continue to farm life, or for example in the broad sense. thus means that water can not be separated from the life of this world, but the water that will surely bring uncontrollable disasters like Tsunami, Flood, Flood, Cold Lava which will be disastrous. Here is a very important implementation yadnya Bhuta ritual that can neutralize any form of excessive force that could negatively impact on nature and life.
Bhuta Yadnya performed the ceremony with all the fittings upakaranya.ceremony of the devices will be reported yadnya Bhuta as follows:
A. Cucuk corrected, 2. Plow (plow), mats, and Tulud, 3. Fire Prakpak (danyuh), 4. Sweep Lidi, 5.Kulkuk (kentongan), 6. -Berem Arak, 7. Nagasari leaf, and 8. Kober Rsi Gana
then the question will arise in the hearts and minds, why in the ceremony Yadnya Bhuta also have to use the means Sanggah Cucuk?. for that we'll talk protested beak shape. form a triangle on the protested bill has meaning as a symbol of power of Sang Hyang Widhi three as testing the strength of human faith.

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